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Bitzenis, A, and John Makedos (2013), The absorption of a shadow economy in the Greek GDP, Istanbul, Turkey, Procedia, Elsevier (presented in Istanbul May 2013 Διεθνές Συνέδριο (5th International Conference-EBEEC 2013-Istanbul, Turkey). |
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Bitzenis, A., Makedos, I., Kontakos, P. (2013). Preliminary results on a Questionnaire Survey regarding the Determinants of FDI in Turkey: the significance of shadow economy. International Conference on Applied Economics 2013, June, Istanbul (ICOAE, Istanbul, Turkey). |
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Bitzenis A., and John Makedos (2013) Η επίδραση της απογραφής στη δημοσιονομική αξιοπιστία της Ελλάδας: Κριτική ανάλυση της απορρόφησης της σκιώδους οικονομίας στο επίσημο ΑΕΠ, Loutraki, Greece – presented in «Ελλάδα και Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στο Σταυροδρόμι Κρίσιμων Εξελίξεων: Πολιτικές, Στρατηγικές Επιλογές και Προοπτικές» που θα λάβει χώρα στο Club Hotel Casino Loutraki, στο Λουτράκι, 6-8 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟΥ, ΣΧΟΛΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ, ΤΜΗΜΑ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ |
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Bitzenis, A., Makedos, I., Kontakos, P. (2014). The presence of the Greek Multinational Enterprises in South-Eastern Europe: The influence of shadow economy and corruption in the investment expansion of Greek multinationals”. Proceedings of the Hellenic Open Business Administration International Conference (HOBA 2014), March, Athens. |
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Bitzenis, A., Makedos, I., Kontakos, P. (2014). Greece as Balkan center of investments despite the economic crisis and the shadow economy, Proceedings of 6th International Conference of the Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries, May, Nis – presented in the 6th International Conference of the Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries, May 2014, Nis, Serbia. |
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Bitzenis, A., Makedos, I., Kontakos, P. (2014). How the shadow economy affects in enterprises of finance of energy. Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy and Management, June, Istanbul – presented in the International Conference on Energy and Management, June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. |
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Bitzenis, A., Makedos, I., Kontakos, P. How the shadow economy affects in enterprises of finance of energy. Also appears In Energy Systems and Management, ed. Istanbul Bilgi University – Palmet, Istanbul: Springer. |
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Vasileios Vlachos, Aristidis Bitzenis & Panagiotis Kontakos SHADOW ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES IN ITALY, SPAIN AND SWITZERLAND: A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE, Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume I, March 2015, p. 168-181 – presented in the 24th Business & Economics Society International Conference, July 2014, Florence, Italy |
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Panagiotis Mitrakos, Aristidis Bitzenis, Panagiotis Kontakos, Ioannis Makedos, TAX MORALE AND COMPLIANCE IN GREECE: A REVIEW OF EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE, Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume II, December 2014, p.197-204 – presented in the 24th Business & Economics Society International Conference, July 2014, Florence, Italy |
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Mitrakos, P., Bitzenis, A., Kontakos, P. (2014). A theoretical analysis of the social factors influencing tax compliance in Greece. Proceedings of the International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences & Arts, September, Albena, Bulgaria – presented in the International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences & Arts, September 2014, Albena, Bulgaria |
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Bitzenis, A., Kontakos, P. (2014). Energy Trade and Tax Evasion in Greece. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, September, Kristiansand, Norway. |
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Bitzenis, A., Kontakos, P., Mitrakos P. (2014). Tax Morale and Compliance: Evidence from Small and Medium Enterprises in Greece. Proceedings of the Jubilee 10th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, November, Sofia, Bulgaria |
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Kafteranis, C., Kontakos, P., Bitzenis, A. (2015). Corruption and Political Institutions in Greece: Preliminary Survey. Proceedings of the 25th Business & Economics Society International Conference, January, Las Vegas, Jan 2015, USA. |
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Vasileios Vlachos, Aristidis Bitzenis & Panagiotis Kontakos TAX MORALE AND TAX COMPLIANCE IN FRANCE, GERMANY AND AUSTRIA Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume I, March 2015 , p.140-150 – presented in the 25th Business & Economics Society International Conference, January, Las Vegas, USA, January 2015 |
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Vasileios Vlachos, Aristidis Bitzenis & Panagiotis Kontakos, SHADOW ECONOMY AND CORRUPTION IN GREECE: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A MICROECONOMIC SURVEY, Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume I, March 2015, pp.217-226 – presented in the 26th Business & Economics Society International Conference, March, Al Ain, UAE, March 2015 |
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Vasileios Vlachos, Aristidis Bitzenis, Panagiotis Kontakos, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND TAX COMPLIANCE GAMES: EVIDENCE REGARDING ENTERPRISE BEHAVIORAL DYNAMICS IN GREECE, Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume II, December 2015, pp.161–168, presented in the 27th Business & Economics Society International Conference, July, Portugal, July 2015 |
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Achilleas Anagnostopoulos, Aristidis Bitzenis, Panagiotis Kontakos, TACKLING UNDECLARED WORK IN GREECE , Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume II, December 2015, pp.32- 46 – presented in the 27th Business & Economics Society International Conference, July, Portugal, July 2015 |
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Bitzenis, A. Kontakos P. Kafteranis C. Paper#: 174 Title: RENEWABLE POLICIES AND CHALLENGES IN GREECE TOWARDS ACHIEVING ITS 2020 ENERGY TARGETS: A QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY – presented in the 3rd European Conference on ‘Renewable Energy Systems’ ECRES, Οκτώβριος 2015, Antalya, Turkey |
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Anagnostopoulos A., Kontakos P. & Bitzenis A., (2015) Notes on Labour Market Flexibility and Informality in Greece, MIBES Conference Proceedings, TEI of Thessaly, Larissa – presented in the 10th Annual MIBES International Conference, 15th-17th of October, TEI of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece – “Notes on Labour Market Flexibility and Informality in Greece”. |
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Bitzenis A., Anagnostopoulos A. & Kontakos P., Labour Market Flexibility and Informality in Greece: An empirical study MIBES Conference Proceedings, TEI of Thessaly, Larissa – presented in the 10th Annual MIBES International Conference, 15th-17th of October, TEI of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece – “Notes on Labour Market Flexibility and Informality in Greece”. |
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Bitzenis, A., Vlachos, V., Kontakos, P. “Tax Compliance Games Methods And Evidence From Behavioural Dynamics In Greece” presented in the 8TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE EUROMED ACADEMY OF BUSINESS 16-18 September 2015 – University of Verona, Italy [FORMAT 1] [FORMAT 2] |
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Vlachos, V.A. and Bitzenis, A., “Tax morale in Greece.” Paper presented at the 32nd International Business Research Conference of the World Business Institute. Melbourne (Australia), 23-25 November 2015. |
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Bitzenis, A. and Vlachos, V.A., “Empirical estimates of tax compliance behavior from micro-level data.” Paper presented at the 32nd International Business Research Conference of the World Business Institute. Melbourne (Australia), 23-25 November 2015. |
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Bitzenis A, and J. Makedos (2013), Η Επιρροή της απογραφής στη δημοσιονομική αξιοπιστία της Ελλάδας, με εκδότες Παντελής Σκλιάς & Σπύρος Ρουκανάς , τίτλος βιβλίου Η Ελληνική Πολιτική Οικονομία 2000 – 2010 Από την ΟΝΕ στο Μηχανισμό Στήριξης, ΜΕΡΟΣ ΔΕΥΤΕΡΟ: Η ΑΠΟΤΥΠΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΝΟΜΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ ΤΗΝ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΟ 2004-2009, ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 3, Εκδοτικός Οίκος ΛΙΒΑΝΗΣ, Δεκ. 2013 – presented in the Club Hotel Casino Loutraki, στο Λουτράκι, 6-8 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΠΕΛΟΠΟΝΝΗΣΟΥ, ΣΧΟΛΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ, ΤΜΗΜΑ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ. |
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Kontakos P., Bitzenis A. & Anagnostopoulos A., Managing Bribery and Corruption Risks in the Greek Oil and Gas Industry, 10th MIBES’ Conference proceedings 2015, TEI Larissa, Greece |
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Bitzenis A & Makedos J.,The fiscal inventory and its effect on Greece’s fiscal credibility,Chapter 3 forthcoming, in the book with the title Hellenic Political Economy 2000-2015 by Spyros Roukanas and Pantelis Sklias, 2016, Eburon Academic Publishers |
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28. Bitzenis A, and J. Makedos 9, ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 3, Εκδοτικός Οίκος ΛΙΒΑΝΗΣ, Vlachos V., Bitzenis A. & Kontakos P., Shadow economic activities in Turkey: A review of the literature, Conference Proceedings 2015, International Conference on Business & Economics of the Hellenic Open University 2015, Athens, Hotel Titania, February 6, 2015 – February 7, 20153. Bitzenis Aristidis, John Marangos, and Passadis Spiridon (2014) Preliminary results of a pilot test from a questionnaire survey regarding the role of shadow economy and corruption in Greece., Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume I, 2014, pp. 109–121 – presented in the 22th Business & Economics Society International Conference, Monte Carlo, Monaco, July 2013
29.Shadow economic activities in Turkey: A review of the literature: International Conference on Business & Economics, Hellenic Open University, Athens, February 6-7, 2015
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bitzenis a, vlachos v. and kontakos p. “Enterprises and tax compliance in Greece: the role of corruption, Global Business & Economics Anthology Volume II. December 2016 – ISSN: 1553-1392 pp. 52-55 |